We are committed to quality. This quote by William Foster pretty much sums up our thinking:
Quality is never an accident; it is always the result of high intention, sincere effort, intelligent direction and skillful execution; it represents the wise choice of many alternatives.
Passionate about The City Of Cardiff
We are independent. We’re passionate about Cardiff life and the independent businesses in Cardiff – we believe we make a difference.
Use it or lose it…
Local business is the very life blood of any community. Without local, independent businesses, villages have no heart, towns have no centre and cities have no soul. Please support the businesses who advertise in Cardiff’s City Life – without them there’d be no City Life. #ShopLocal
Small(ish) print
© Copyright Good Life Publishing 2016. All rights reserved. Nothing in the magazine (including adverts), or on this website, may be reproduced in any shape or form (in whole or part) without the express written permission of the publishers. We take breach of copyright and theft of intellectual property extremely seriously and will sue at the drop of a croissant. You have been warned (nicely); ignorance is no excuse.
Greedily green…
The pulp used in the production of the paper City Life is printed on is obtained from sustainably managed Scandinavian tree farms and utilises an elementary, chlorine free bleaching process.
Important you read this…
We have made every effort to ensure that all information contained in City Life or on www.citylifecardiff.co.uk or www.citylifecardiff.com is correct and accurate. However, we accept no responsibility for any errors or omissions, and can offer no compensation should we get it wrong. Please note that the opinions, thoughts, views or ideas expressed in articles contained in City Life are strictly those of the authors.
Caveat emptor
All advertisers have supplied their own copy (and in some cases artwork), therefore City Life cannot accept any responsibility for disputes between advertisers and their customers. Caveat emptor – let the buyer beware.
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Missed the last City Life?
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Yes, it’s free! We like to call it Priceless.
Cardiff’s City Life is distributed free through a wide variety of outlets. City Life magazine is given away free of charge on the understanding that we are happy for it to be lent, passed around, given to friends and generally read until it falls apart. At which point, you can recycle it and we’d be delighted if you did.
Recycling… because there is no Plan B!